Wednesday, June 6, 2012

sentap dowh!


First of all, Alhamdulillah. Yesterday was the last day of my last examination in IIUM. Thank you to Allah for giving me a great opportunity being a student in here. Even exam dah the end but project still not end ok. huhu. FYP der. FYP! semoga aku dan rakan2 punye semangat yg kental utk menghabiskan fyp kat sini. Aminnnn..

Actually, tu bukanlah tujuan utama entry neh. back to the title. to lah main purpose. huhu. aku nk ckp yg aku sentap ngan some1. tu je.. sape dan ape biarlah rahsia. tp aku sentaplah yg penting! kdg terfikir, smpainye hati die wat cmtu kt aku. tp fikir balik, aku tak sepatutnye rase cm tu sbb memaafkan dan melupakan tu kan lebih baik? mungkin die tak sengaje? hmm.. be positif! hehe.. so... forgive everyone for the sake of ukhwah. #peace#  Let's forgive and forget. hehe.

I am partial graduated now!
Counting days to become fully graduated!

Sekian :)

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